Thursday, April 29, 2010

Track 41: "Fall on My Knees" by Abigail Washburn and the Sparrow Quartet

Goodbye, little darling, I'm gone...

Spring weather was made for bluegrass music. There's a few go-to Springtime albums for me, but I always find myself listening to a ton of bluegrass when the weather starts to get nice.

I credit my longtime buddy Patrick Hill and banjo maestro Bela Fleck for introducing me to Abigail Washburn. Washburn was part of the all-female bluegrass group Uncle Earl (who, oddly enough, had an album produced by John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin fame). Patrick books bands at the Earl and told me to come check out Uncle Earl one night a couple of years ago (Uncle Earl @The Earl..weird) and I really dug the show. There's just something about a cute girl that can pick and sing that simply astonishes me.

All cheesy-sexism aside, when I learned that Washburn had formed a group that Bela Fleck was a part (not to mention he's not getting top-billing in the band name), I was immediately interested. And I cannot say enough about how fantastic the two Abigail Washburn and the Sparrow Quartet albums are that I have: "The Sparrow Quartet EP" and an album just called "Abigail Washburn and the Sparrow Quartet."

I'm basically a fan of everything Bela Fleck is a part, and I was blown away by The Sparrow Quartet. It's really just amazing music--sort of front-porch classical/bluegrass music. Washburn and Fleck on banjo, Casey Driessen on fiddle and Ben Sollee on a cello (which is really just a big-ass fiddle and them boys can saw one off I tell you what!), and Washburn's superb voice make for a really cool combination.

Washburn's vocals and the arrangements and dynamic of this tune really made it a favorite the instant I heard it.

And as a bonus, here's a live video of Abigail Washburn and the Sparrow Quartet doing another beauty "A Fuller Wine"

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