Thursday, January 7, 2010

Track 20: "I Still Miss Someone" by Johnny Cash

Good grief has it really been since December 13 since I blogged? My sincere apologies to my humble 12 blog followers for the lack of content over nearly three you survived without my self-important 'greatest hits' is truly beyond me.

When I sat down to write this post I felt a lot of pressure--a self-imposed stress of making the first song in nearly three weeks something fantastic and amazing. But the cold, gray day outside proved to be a better influence--and got me thinking about some good ole sad bastard music.

I was always aware of Johnny Cash, it's pretty hard not to know who the guy was, but really didn't start listening to him a good bit until I moved to Atlanta. Yet another quality musician I owe my friend Patrick Hill for encouraging me to listen to.

Cash is one of the few American songwriting legends where I could literally have at least a dozen favorite songs by. But "I Still Miss Someone" quickly became my favorite Johnny Cash tune. I've always been a sucker for a sad song, and the Man in Black may very well be one of the greatest ever at writing them.

It's just so simple and extremely poignant. And even if you've never loved anyone with blue eyes, you'd have no soul to not be affected by a line like:

"No I never got over those blue eyes, I see them everywhere."

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